This portal is a storefront to Bemobi’s media products in partnership with Oi (such as music, apps etc) but also includes some institutional services and links. It is built in 3 versions: HTML5, XHTML e WML.
In this project, I:
- helped stakeholders to define strategies and priorities;
- reorganized contents to better showcase our new products;
- redefined the website’s pages and content structure around themes;
- worked together with the development team to define strategies for a lighter and faster portal;
- designed a modular interface structure that can be easily managed;
- designed interfaces that were more visually appealing and according to Oi’s new identity guidelines.
Defining the problem
In order to help stakeholders achieve consensus on the project strategy, I asked them to collectively discuss and answer previously prepared questions about all the “why, what and how”s of the project. I also used a method called Performance Continuums, in which we map, where we think we currently are versus where is our goal, between two opposing topics.
Organizing content
I hosted a card-sorting workshop with stakeholders and coworkers to organize all our contents and products around themes. Then, I divided the content in pages, estimating how much each element would weight in kb, making sure we’d be within the size limit we defined for better performance.
Final layouts
You can see the final product at on your smartphone or on the layouts below.